Members of the Scientific Board of a faculty are appointed and recalled by the Dean, after approval by the Academic Senate of a faculty. The Scientific Board of a faculty is presided by the Dean.
The Scientific Board of a faculty:
- shall discuss the long-term strategy of the faculty according to the long-term strategy of the university,
- shall give a regular, but not less than once a year, evaluation of the level of the faculty regarding its teaching activity and activities in the field of science, technology, or art,
- discuss a proposal of the study programmes carried out at the faculty; for discussions of the Scientific Board of the faculty concerning proposals of study programmes are invited the student representatives elected by the student part of Academic Senate of the faculty,
- approve other experts who have the right to examine at the State examinations for the study programmes carried out at the faculty; it shall approve supervisors for the PhD study,
- approve and introduce criteria for habilitation of "docent" (associate professor) and criteria of "profesor" (professor) to the Scientific Board of the university,
- discuss the habilitation of "docents" and shall make decisions on their results in the fields of study within the study programmes which are carried out by the faculty,
- discuss and approve proposal for nomination of "profesor" to Scientific Board of the university,
- discuss and approve general criteria for filling posts of "profesor" and "docent" at the faculty to the Scientific Board of the university,
- discuss and approve specific conditions for filling posts of "profesors" at the faculty to the Scientific Board of the university,
- approve Dean´s proposal for filling posts of "hosťujúci profesor" at the faculty,
- discuss and approve specific conditions for filling posts of "hosťujúci profesors" at the faculty to the Scientific Board of the university,
- approve, at the proposal of the Chairman of the Scientific Board of the faculty, the rules of procedure of the Scientific Board of the faculty,
- shall discuss the issues presented by the Chairman of the scientific Board of the faculty.
Abstracts of Sections 29, 30 of Act No. 131/2002 of Law Code on Higher Education