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10. 2. 2011 o 10:30
sa bude konať na Fakulte informatiky a informačných technológií STU v Bratislave
v miestnosti D 220 obhajoba dizertačnej práce
Mgr. Jozefa Tvarožka
Názov dizertačnej práce:
Bootstrapping a Socially Intelligent Tutoring Strategy
Odbor: 9.2.5 Softvérové inžinierstvo
Školiteľ: prof. Ing. Mária Bieliková, PhD., Fakulta informatiky a informačných technológií STU v Bratislave
Oponenti dizertačnej práce:
doc. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D., Fakulta informatiky MU v Brne
doc. RNDr. Petr Šaloun, Ph.D., Přírodovědecká fakulta OU v Ostrave
We present an approach for computer supported education in the form of a socially intelligent learning environment that is available online. It integrates problem solving and instructional materials into individual and group learning scenarios. A Wizard-of-Oz-driven computer tutor accompanies students to maintain their motivation within the learning environment. The agent can hold off-task conversations and guide students to appropriate learning opportunities. Its tutoring strategy is devised by a reinforcement learning control method that operates on socially motivated state and action spaces induced by the human wizard whose interface facilitates rapid prototyping of relevant states and taking appropriate actions. To make the learning algorithm feasible, states are grouped into equivalence classes according to wizard selected state features, and contextual and linguistic reection is employed to adjust the immediate action to the current learner's situation. The feasibility study of the socially intelligent agent demonstrated that students who engaged with the agent attained higher learning gains and liked the system more. The bootstrapping of the socially intelligent tutoring strategy was evaluated in simulated student scenarios. Evaluations suggest that our approach for using computers to support students in the learning process is technologically viable.
Autoreferát dizertačnej práce zaslaný do vedeckého časopisu Information Sciences and Technologies - Bulletin of ACM Slovakia.
Dizertačná práca je k nahliadnutiu na Študijnom oddelení FIIT STU.