Dovoľujeme si oznámiť, že dňa
10. 2. 2011 o 12:00
sa bude konať na Fakulte informatiky a informačných technológií STU v Bratislave
v miestnosti D 220 obhajoba dizertačnej práce
Ing. Petra Bartalosa
Názov dizertačnej práce:
Effective automatic dynamic semantic web service composition
Odbor: 9.2.5 Softvérové inžinierstvo
Školiteľ: prof. Ing. Mária Bieliková, PhD., Fakulta informatiky a informačných technológií STU v Bratislave
Oponenti dizertačnej práce:
doc. Ing. Marián Mach, CSc., Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky TU v Košiciach
doc. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý, CSc., Ústav informatiky SAV, Bratislava
Web services are a popular technology used when diverse software system integration is in demand. The ability to make some functionality available through the Web has inspiring consequences. One of the intensively researched areas is the study how Web services can be used to dynamically create a functionality, based on the actual requirements. The basic idea is that multiple Web services can be combined together to form a composite service supplying more complex needs. The composition is realized automatically, on the fly, based on the actual goal. To facilitate this kind of Web service utilization, additional metadata depicting the functionality of single services is required. These metadata are provided in a form of semantic annotations. Our work deals with selected subproblems of the automatic dynamic semantic Web service composition. The sub-problems include the proper description of the behavior of Web services, management of the changes in the service environment, and handling multiple composition requests arriving continuously.
Autoreferát dizertačnej práce zaslaný do vedeckého časopisu Information Sciences and Technologies - Bulletin of ACM Slovakia.
Dizertačná práca je k nahliadnutiu na Študijnom oddelení FIIT STU.